Our Vision
To provide development actors with reliable data and information, as well as the necessary technologies to formulate and deploy sustainable solutions to economic, social, and environmental challenges.
Our Mission
Collaborate with our clients to collect, analyze, and visualize relevant data following a rigorous professional process.
Our Values
The conduct of the Sahel Analytics team is based on common values guiding our actions. These values are a commitment to our colleagues, customers, and partners.
Results and Impact
We evaluate the results of our work by the quality of the data collected, the diagnosis of support and financing opportunities, the formulation of viable economic models, the usefulness of the reports and analysis documents that we publish, and the increase of turnover and the social impact of our customers. We adapt a policy of continuous improvement of our strategy and our services for the continued satisfaction of our customers and partners.
We come to you, your community, your office or your country. We recognize the limitations of our personal knowledge, particularly in relation to local experience, and find it very useful to have multiple perspectives. We seek to raise the profile of the organizations we work with beyond our own.
We each place the interests of communities, our partners, and our teammates ahead of our own, and in every interaction we seek to give more than we take. We understand that it is a privilege - not a sacrifice - to serve a cause greater than ourselves. We work hard to make the most of this privilege. Serving our customers is for us the best way to solve Africa's many economic, social and environmental challenges.
We bring the skill and effort necessary to produce the highest quality work possible. We work hard and efficiently. Our work is judged by our results, not our efforts. We are conscientious and respectful in what we say and do. We represent the values of Sahel Analytics, during and outside of work.
We are honest with our customers and with each other. We always share our objective findings and honest opinions with the client - even if they are unpopular. We readily share when Sahel Analytics is not the appropriate service provider for a given context. We are honest with each other and form a flat organization: the best idea and the best evidence win. If we disagree with a teammate, we have an obligation to make our point of view known.